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Tag Archives: Social Networking; Technology; Blogski
Twitter looks to be going the way of a number of other LBS-related applications with a feature (the firm is prototyping) that allows any given end-user to find tweets within close proximity to their location. Given their recent PR-snafu (and … Continue reading
Internet-free: A Barrier No More.
As emerging markets continue to be the area of focus regarding increased technology availability, Twitter is the latest Social Networking company to enter this high-growth segment (i.e., providing their service for end-users who do not have dedicated / regular ‘net … Continue reading
Facebook vs. Twitter.
In a move clearly designed to counter Twitter as the ‘micro-breaking-user-driven-social-news-forum’ Facebook is wooing (major) media firms with their latest offering. A big issue with this entire shift in reporting is how much misinformation is posted that’s generated from Social … Continue reading
The Missing Link?
Add LinkedIn to the list of Social Networking mediums whose integrity is being called into question via a lawsuit claiming that the firm allegedly hacked email addresses (for marketing purposes). (Source) Bloomberg:
LinkedIn’s Devolution?
LI’s decision to drop their age-requirement from 18 to 13 is bound to cause an uproar. Leaving how paramount it is to protect children aside (if that’s even possible) while there are indeed aspiring business / entrepreneurial professionals, etc. (under … Continue reading
Twitch This!
With a blink of an eye, said end-user will be able to post a tweet (via Twitter?) Yes, according to the enclosed example… which is either bogus and/or a teaser for both Google Glass as well as this (micro) Social … Continue reading
The Joshua Tree.
Tagging (e.g., graffiti) has crept from (American) cities and unfortunately accelerated blighting National Parks and/or other public recreation areas due to people using Social Networking to showpiece their work… which, of course, resulted in copy-cats also seeking some sort or warped … Continue reading
A UK organization is working to bridge the ‘Digital Divide’ amongst those citizens (40% of the total are supposedly over the age 75) who have never been online. This project is both commendable and potentially a resource of talent / … Continue reading
Facebook Post = SEC Action?
Apparently so; Netflix’s CEO is under scrutiny regarding a Facebook update coinciding with the biggest uptick in their stock (in an almost 6-week period). (Source) Bloomberg:
Happy Birthday!
Enclosed is a very creative historical chronicle of Nelson Mandela’s life set to New Media. (Source) YouTube: