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Tag Archives: ‘net Neutrality; FCC; Technology; Blogski
Participation Counts!
For all the supposed apathy in America (which does exist) there’s still a glimmer of hope that the General Public can / does and will make a difference (if they partake and contribute to the nation’s governmental process) as the … Continue reading
‘net Neutrality (Clarified).
John Oliver’s explanation of ‘net Neutrality (aside from hilarious) is spot-on! (Source) Recode:
Democracy: Active & Informed!
While the legislation and a formal vote is still pending, the enclosed article illustrates how / that the General Public can actually influence what their (governmental) representatives do (based upon active / engaged Public Opinion!) (Source) NDTV:
‘net Neutrality (Idiocy).
If America’s reported decline is true, chalk-up the seemingly never-ending quest for profits(s) (i.e., greed) as a harbinger for what precipitated said fall. In short, ‘net neutrality is just the latest in a series of idiotic moves whereas ‘touting the … Continue reading
While Mozilla’s proposal regarding a ‘net Neutrality compromise is modest, it has the potential to be a viable alternative to the FCC’s current stance. (Source) InfoWorld: