Japan’s launch of the first, talking space-robot is a nascent step that could go a long way towards assisting humans with intergalactic exploration (in the present and future).
(Source) BBC: http://goo.gl/Dtr4mL
Japan’s launch of the first, talking space-robot is a nascent step that could go a long way towards assisting humans with intergalactic exploration (in the present and future).
(Source) BBC: http://goo.gl/Dtr4mL
Interesting… perhaps the American Government can actually do the right thing.
(Source) LA Times: http://goo.gl/0tCW6Q
Yes, that’s correct. You too can own one too (for those that feel that a photo / video isn’t enough)… perhaps, being vain is more commonplace than humans care to admit…
(Source) Wired: http://goo.gl/hmCdFY
Although Windows continues to be a cash-cow for Redmond, Ballmer’s on-going underwhelming performance as a CEO is not only pause for concern but when coupled with the dual-dud of failing to launch a viable Smartphone and a Tablet (when their competitors have) the time for a change might be long-past overdue.
(Source) ST: http://goo.gl/pftdDf
An American Internet Security Expert has foiled an attempt to frame him as a drug-dealer… a plan that was concocted on-line no less!
(Source) BBC: http://goo.gl/KJRGXh
Reading, Writing, and Redmond? Is Microsoft’s Educational (Surface: great name but a bust of a product) tablet push a threat to Apple and/or a real bonafide initiative?
(Source) Canberra Times: http://goo.gl/ZNo94P
A positive review is one thing… translating such into sales whereas Apple’s (current) market dominance is seriously threatened / overtaken is another…
(Source) Forbes: http://goo.gl/PQp3U5
Yes, that’s right, glogging (which is blogging via wearing a pair of Google Glasses).
(Source) Computer World: http://goo.gl/FoUjWn
Yes, that’s correct – NASA purposely designed a test to simulate a crash of a space-probe (and was successful at doing so!)
(Source) Wired: http://goo.gl/K4RHoI
Yes, that’s correct. Now, you too can ‘crowd-fund’ your career… for a price…
(Source) BBC: http://goo.gl/Bz736i