It’s A Man’s World… Founded by a man (who’ll be the CEO) but ‘run’ by women. Perhaps a good idea; however, not to diminish it… BUT (arguably) why isn’t a woman the CEO (which would seem befitting given their target audience: women!)

Is this a PR-stunt and/or does send CEO have an insight regarding women’s issues / feminism, etc. that the unwashed masses are off-the-mark on? Or, is a feminist-perspective on current affairs only successful under the helm of a male? If so, that does not say much about the state of today’s media (which is another issue entirely…)

(Source) Slate:

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Leaving the negative PR-aside (if that’s even possible) if the enclosed report is even remotely true – SHAME on Sheryl Sandberg / Facebook for the QUANTUM-level of HYPOCRISY (herein!!!)

(Source) Valley Wag:

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Now that the inevitable (the) ‘firm-has-been-put-up-for-sale‘ phase of their (corporate) life-cycle has occurred, here’s a brief look back at (RIM) one of the Tech Industries’ (recent) downward spirals.

(Source) Wired:

(Source) The Age:

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Buying Direct.

ZTE’s new Smartphone built on Mozilla’s Firefox (the latest entrant into an ever-crowded field) will be sold direct-to-consumer via eBay. Let’s see if said tactic proves fruitful (aside from whether this handset will be a success).

(Source) BBC:

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Up Next.

The Apple rumor-mill has begun in earnest regarding the supposed (upcoming) debut of the iPhone 5S next month… given the post-Jobs slide the firm has experienced (under Captain Hook) this period could prove to cement his legacy (positively or negatively) as Apple’s iWatch could also finally be released too.

(Source) LA Times:

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Ahoy Matey!

Pirate Browser; yes, that’s right, now available for those that want to circumvent DRM-issues and file-share…

(Source) Venture Beat:

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Who US?

In light of the report that an email service (Lavabit) has shutdown (due to their desire to prevent government intrusion i.e., the NSA Whistle-blowing case) it’s clear that Civil Liberties (that the American Public once stood for / fought for, etc.) continue to go by the wayside (tragically… as once-eroded they’re hard to / next to impossible to restore…)

(Source) BBC:

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According to the enclosed test, Twitter’s new two-step, authentication service – failed! Perhaps the service is taking a page from their user-bases’ experience (when the service is interrupted / goes down, etc.?)

(Source) PC Magazine:

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Worth It?

GM’s $5,000 price cut on the Chevy Volt seems generous. However, in real-terms (arguably, American) consumers are not going to change their life-styles until gas prices are more in-line with the rest of the OECD, e.g., higher (which is yet another bane of the America’s car-culture-dependence) aside from charging availability / longer battery life / economies of scale, etc.

(Source) Bloomberg:

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Deceptively Brilliant.

Dove’s PhotoShop (okay, Trojan Horse) add-on campaign was an excellent example of (hopefully) bringing to light the repercussions of body-shaming in advertising.

(Source) Fast Company:

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