If Apple is truly going the route of a ‘typical, American company’ it speaks volumes about just how fair astray the firm (aside from America’s orientation towards innovation) just might have drifted…
The Inquirer UK: http://goo.gl/2z1NIg
If Apple is truly going the route of a ‘typical, American company’ it speaks volumes about just how fair astray the firm (aside from America’s orientation towards innovation) just might have drifted…
The Inquirer UK: http://goo.gl/2z1NIg
Perhaps it was inevitable… perhaps not? Nevertheless, a reported Google Street View vehicle’s accident in Indonesia is not necessarily news as much as it as story of some of the challenges of the firm’s on-going effort(s) to allow countless end-users (globally) the option to access a map via the search giant’s services.
(Source) BBC: http://goo.gl/uJwrhA
Congratulations are in order to the entire Voyager 1 Team (most certainly, past and present) for this probe entering the farthest reaches of Outer Space!
(Source) Space: http://goo.gl/Rl42EH
Elm Street might be fantasy; however, being able to explore Galapagos and/or Maldives via Google Maps is now a (virtual) reality.
(Source) India.com: http://goo.gl/PHHSLk
A wave power generator is another (potentially) promising alternative energy resource that could be utilized by a number of sea-bordering nations globally (aside from possibly being used in fresh water for that matter).
(Source) BBC: http://goo.gl/BUPv4R
It should come as little and/or no surprise that Apple is flanking the market (i.e., their competition) via simultaneously releasing a low-and-highend, iPhone.
(Source) NY Times: http://goo.gl/rUJfyE
Meet (no pun intended) China’s #1 matchmaker…
(Source) BBC: http://goo.gl/Ps2bCl
Kudos are in order to Seagate for making a 500GB (Android) Tablet Storage Device. Granted, the industry-leading Tablet still lags in this area; nevertheless, this is a solid move for a rapidly advancing competitor’s .
(Source) Engadget: http://goo.gl/7boIcJ
Enclosed is a list of the (supposed) most-desired features of Apple’s upcoming iPhone. One feature is still missing: NFC. Unless one of the major handset manufacturers embeds / endorses it this technology will still remain nascent at best vs. ubiquitous. Towards that end, in light of the recent NSA-issues perhaps that is not such a bad thing after all…
(Source) PC Magazine: http://goo.gl/ux2BDI
Okay, not exactly… Nevertheless, Amazon’s long-rumored Smartphone will supposedly be given away (yes, for no cost) which aside from begging the question: what’s the rub? Also raises the point: how will they make money (from it?) Perhaps like Kindle, the point is not to make money as much as it is to push content (which they excel at especially when it is DRM-free).
(Source) CNET: http://goo.gl/wmnRcK