En Vogue.

The interest is reportedly there; however, so is the doubt. Nevertheless, despite the supposed challenges facing ‘wearable technology’ it is something that most Americans (and, for that matter, citizens of the OECD) wear regularly e.g., GoreTex, synthetic materials, etc. Granted, these are more simplistic iterations of ‘wearable technology’ yet, they still qualify (and for those keeping score it also took time for consumers to adjust to wearing and fully embracing polyester for example… leaving whether it was ever stylish or not aside!)

(Source) Tom’s Guide: http://goo.gl/TPHbsJ

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Where’s Sponge Bob?

For all the (supposed generated) hype, rumor and innuendo, Google’s ‘secret’ barges are now reportedly nothing more than nautical showrooms… which begs the question: will the firm only debut / showpiece their latest offerings on water now?

(Source) The Register UK: http://goo.gl/CO3qOB

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‘Cashing’ In?

Currently valued at £145 (British) Pounds / $232.70 Dollars (per coin!) according to a scientist who developed a stimulated attack, Bitcoin is susceptible to a network attack… which begs the questions: 1) will someone / group, etc. now attempt hacking their network, i.e., a copycat crime? And, 2) if their network is so vulnerable (as reported) why has such an attack not already occurred? On the final point, this is not an endorsement as much as a question… given that how many other high-profile hacks, etc. have been reported (aside from those that might’ve happened that went unreported!) just this past year alone (not including countless hacks over the past 5 years or so).

(Source) BBC: http://goo.gl/ZFLsaQ

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Keyword: Hypocrisy.

Eric Schmidt lambasting the NSA is paradoxical (putting it mildly) given that Google parses how much data in order to turn a profit? Yet, now that the tables have seemingly turned (with the latest accusations / revelations, etc. that the company is being directly spied on by the NSA) Google’s crying foul!

(Source) WSJ: http://goo.gl/K6IebQ

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Wishful Thinking.

Although (at this juncture) it’s highly unlikely that Apple and Google would ever be more than coopetition, it’s refreshing to know that Wozniak’s still a dreamer and idealist (two hallmarks of what made Silicon Valley).

(Source) BBC: http://goo.gl/7MioPI

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‘Barging’ In!

Independent of the whatever the actual end-result, Google is at a minimum doing an excellent (PR) job of garnering media attention for their ‘barge’ initiative (i.e., building something on water that’s shrouded in secrecy).

(Source) Boston Globe: http://goo.gl/CXlbcy

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Nobody’s Immune.

Count Singapore as the latest in a long-line of (on-going) attacks by Anonymous…

(Source) CNET: http://goo.gl/iJ6uFL

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Exhuming McCarthy?

Perhaps now that Google’s been reportedly hacked by the NSA will the firm (and the rest of the who’s who in High Tech) wake-up to the reality that being complicit with ‘matters of National Security‘ in the post-9/11 era clearly knows no bounds!

(Source) BBC: http://goo.gl/vpEUhX

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Happy Halloween!

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Who’s Counting?

Adobe either grossly underestimated the scale of the latest, high-profile hack on a High Tech company and/or initially fibbed (and decided to disclose the actual number vs. face even more negative PR-backlash).

(Source) PC Magazine: http://goo.gl/98i7ir

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