
The continued / on-going pressure on Google to ‘erase’ critical / unflattering, etc. data whereas Public Officials are called into question is yet another example of the Orwellian NSA-era that’s gripping much of (the current) public discourse (or lack thereof for that matter). Towards that end, it’s always a curious exercise to hear about the ‘argument‘ for freedom of expression… until it comes to those in power whose position on such is a double-standard (at best).

(Source) UK Register:

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So Long…

Love him or leave him, Walt Mossberg signs off from the WSJ today.

(Source) WSJ:

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Google Trends (2013).

What the USA’s (and the world’s) searching for… Underwhelming (arguably) best sums up America’s current online search trends…

(Source) Google:

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Twitter looks to be going the way of a number of other LBS-related applications with a feature (the firm is prototyping) that allows any given end-user to find tweets within close proximity to their location. Given their recent PR-snafu (and subsequent fallout whereas they reversed a privacy update) LBS-related applications are still not without their issues too.

(Source) Design & Trend:

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Walk This Way.

Google’s acquisition of Boston Dynamics (maker of ‘crazy’ walking robots) could be an indication that the firm is planning to use said technology within a suite of offerings with Google Glass.

(Source) PC Magazine:

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Friday the 13th.

It looks like Twitter lost out to the power of Social Networking. In light of how many other pressing issues / tragedies facing contemporary society, etc. it’d be great to see said ‘outrage‘ harnessed and focused on addressing those too!

(Source) SF Gate:

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Twitter looks to potentially have another PR-fiasco on their hands regarding their latest update regarding ‘blocking’ (e.g., it is now supposedly rendered useless for ridding one’s account of undesired followers, etc.)

(Source) The Wire:

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Led Zeppelin aside, Spotify’s announcement to offer their streaming service for ‘free*’ to mobile devices comes with a catch: *it is ad-supported, lower quality audio and lacks the ability to listen to music offline. While a nice convenience to not deal with importing tunes, etc. to an iPod (e.g., by carrying a separate device… remember those?) as the on-going push / rush to the Cloud continues – has anyone given any serious thought to the degree(s) of personal freedom sacrificed due to being tethered to the life-line (so to speak) that is Cloud Computing?

Granted, storage can be bigger than a local device, etc. but what happens when said lifeline goes down or there’s a catastrophic data failure whereas any given (or countless unwashed masses’) end-users’ data is lost, parsed, NSA-snooped, etc.? These possibilities / variables are all possible (and, in light of the on-going NSA surveillance disclosures highly likely). Yet, little or no serious pause for concern seems to be being paid… more than lip-service as the integration between said devices and the ‘Cloud’ continues to mushroom (no pun intended!) It seems like not just a matter of if but when some damning report comes to light regarding the aforementioned points (or, other related scenarios).

(Source) NY Times:

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Ensuring Safer Passage.

Applied properly, a (e.g., bus / coach) crash prevention technology that monitors any given driver’s eye movements could be utilized to reduce (and, ideally, eliminate) drowsy driver-related accidents.

(Source) BBC:

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A ‘Noble’ Endeavor

While still largely dismissed / ignored / refuted, etc. in the Mass Media, it’s good to see that the entire issue of on-going, governmental, electronic surveillance has not been lost on some of the world’s intellectuals (amongst ideally countless others). Further tangible action that turns back and reverses this trend is certainly the next step towards challenging it head-on… otherwise, this global Orwellian-reality will just continue to tighten.

(Source) Huffington Post:

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