Sybase 2.0?

John Chen’s previous success at turning Sybase around will certainly be tested as he attempts to do the same thing with BlackBerry… the question is (amongst many): is it too late? Given his thinking regarding trying to get the firm’s flagship product BBM (BlackBerry Messenger) to work on / with Android and iOS – he can’t be faulted for at least trying to breathe new life into the firm. Whatever the case may be, RIM’s fortunes and/or how this entire restructuring process is sorted out are all clearly hanging in the balance.

(Source) Tom’s Hardware:

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Weighing In.

With two contradictory rulings by lower courts, the probability that The Supreme Court may eventually rule on the constitutionality / legality, etc. of the massive NSA metadata collecting continues to increase. Hyperbole aside, any semblance of a return to Civil Liberties (as America supposedly once stood for) could literally be in-the-balance (should the Court actually hear this case). And, given the Court’s current leanings _________ (fill-in-the-blank).

(Source) Cruxial CIO:

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The ‘Cloud’ Strikes Back…

Actually, St. Nick came through… however, Nintendo’s Network is unable to follow suit (currently) due to high-volume slowing down / choking those owners of the Wii U from connecting with it. Looking at the bright side (of this snafu) it could mean that the company has actually sold more units than expected (which would be a positive given the firm’s recent challenges against the reigning Game Console makers).

(Source) Engadget:

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An Isolated Incident?

The fine Taiwan leveled against Apple (for fixing iPhone pricing) could be a one-off and/or the tip-of-the-iceberg regarding the firm’s global policies.

(Source) Financial Times:

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Happy Holidays!

Christmas at my house is always at least six or seven times more pleasant than anywhere else. We start drinking early. And while everyone else is seeing only one Santa Claus, we’ll be seeing six or seven. – W. C. Fields.

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Paid More; Got Less…

SoftBank is reportedly looking to acquire T-Mobile which seems curious given that Deutsche Telekom AG purchased it previously (i.e., perhaps they couldn’t do anything / see any real longterm value in buying it and are now trying to cut their losses, etc.?)

(Source) Reuters:

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It’s good to see Motorola continue to turn the corner with their latest Moto Smartphone offering (especially one that’s unlocked amongst a number of other nice features).

(Source) Value Walk:

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Believe This…

The on-going NSA vs. Snowden back-and-forth continues with the latest accusation.

(Source) The Register UK:

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Mastering Virtual Reality?

If true, a huge commercial application, etc. might not be that far behind…

(Source) Wired:

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Open Worm (Project).

It’s fascinating when people collaborate to create something together… in this instance, an open source project whereas those involved have built ‘a virtual copy of the Caenorhabditis elegans nematode’ (worm: one of the most widely-studied creatures on Earth) entirely out of computer code (which could be a forerunner for medical / commercial applications, etc. at some point in the future).

(Source) BBC:

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