
President Obama’s speech regarding NSA reforms is good step towards restoring the balance between Civil Liberties and National Security that was largely thrown askew in the immediate post-9/11 climate of fear and warmongering. The questions now (amongst many) are: Is what he’s proposing enough? Will these changes be implemented and ultimately followed? What about Edward Snowden… is a pardon in order?

(Source) BBC:

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Highway Star?

Nobody’s gonna take my…

Perhaps the very first Trivial Pursuit subject regarding wearable technology (or, Google Glass at the very least) as a San Diego woman was found not guilty for driving while wearing said technology. Let the copy-catting begin… (apologies to Deep Purple).

(Source) LA Times:

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‘Remains Committed’

President Obama’s aforementioned position seems to essentially sum-up many people’s frustration with his Administration… While he is not directly responsible for the blow to ‘net neutrality, he is a part of a government that seems more-focused on the battle over how the 1% divvy everything up vs. how the other 99% are impacted by this orientation. Granted, it is not all his fault; however, even with public sentiment; intense lobbying efforts (formally organized and grassroots); and, a wide-range of support from various areas of expertise regarding the overall benefit to America that Internet access not be tiered, Big Business seems to have won once again

In sum, the seeds of the legacy of deregulation and all of the ‘benefits’ that everyone has forgotten when President Reagan pushed to break-up AT&T continues to be reaped via the ineptitude of the nation’s woeful ‘net access speeds, lack of ubiquity, high monthly subscriber costs and last-mile chasm. Stay tiered America, stay tiered.

(Source) The Verge:

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‘net Neutrality: 1% Strikes Again!

In what appears to be another blow to both equal access as well all the reported ‘innovation‘ within the Telecommunications Industry that was touted when Ronald Reagan broke up Ma Bell (as the now largely reconstituted AT&T was once known) looks to continue to seal America’s fate as the OECD nation that continues to fall behind regarding ‘net speeds and universal broadband access (in a medium that the USA pioneered no less!)

(Source) The Washington Post:

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Twister: The Un-Twitter.

Decentralized, P2P microblogging built with Bitcoin and BitTorrent protocols is both ready for the world and an offering that also might tick a lot of people off (which might not necessarily be a negative!)

(Source) Twister:

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As CES 2014 wraps up having set a record for conference attendance, it’s clear that while the Technology Industry has seemingly ‘grown-up’ the popularity of this medium looks to be showing no signs of abating.

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Desk-chained Pens Optional.

The launch of a Bitcoin storage firm could be the next step in making said currency more ubiquitous.

(Source) BBC:

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Smartphone Morphing.

Infrared thermometers; direct plug-in smartphone recharging cases; tri-corders (for Trek-fans that might otherwise feel left out)… these are just a few of the latest and greatest add-ons being showcased at CES.

(Source) BBC:

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Carrier Brawling…

Let’s hope that T-Mobile’s shot-across-the-bow will force AT&T and Verizon to wake-up and remove many of the inane shackles from America’s draconian Wireless contracts thereby ushering a new wave of innovation! Okay, wishful thinking (at best) as the industry now stands; nevertheless, it’s still early in a new year, right?!

(Source) NY Times:

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Want to gain some knowledge vs. information with just the click of a picture? Taking the 140 character limit to the next iteration, Twitter’s co-founder has officially launched the (rumored) application that he’s worked months on. Snap a photo and send it off to your Social Network regarding your question as to what it is, etc.? In short, it is a Search Engine based upon images and the innate human desire to help (according to the firm’s Founders). Given the deep pockets that funded it and the ever-expanding orientation towards Social Networking touching everyone’s lives, Jelly has a chance to be the first-mover within a category that’ll in all probability spawn lots of ‘me-too’ offerings.

(Source) IBN Live India:

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