Down w/ IPA!

Not India Pale Ale but In-App Purchases as EA is coming under heavy criticism for this feature (let’s hope this is a trend for all companies that employ this strategy!)

(Source) BBC:

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Image-based Shopping.

While the technology has been available for a while, it has yet to be widely-adopted… all of that might be changing now that Amazon has added ‘Flow’ Image Technology employing iOS7’s camera for quickly scanning images (for finding items).

(Source) PC Magazine:

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Watson’s Application.

Cheers to IBM for (hopefully this is more than a PR-stunt) applying Watson (their supercomputer) to address / resolve some of Africa’s most pressing problems!

(Source) BBC:

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Counter Hacking.

If the enclosed report regarding British spies hacking Anonymous is true… the obvious fallout will be more counter-hacks by Anonymous… followed by more espionage, etc., etc. which raises the question: at what price success (for all parties involved?)

(Source) Gizmodo:

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Good luck to Satya Nedalla / Redmond sorting out what’s next for Microsoft… as the emerging market segments have not only caught the firm flat-footed but largely passed them by…

(Source) Reuters:

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Yes, that’s correct: Vehicle-to-vehicle communication / technology is being mandated by the US Federal Government. Unlike many non-interoperable systems on the market currently (most notably, Mac vs. Windows / iOS vs. Android, etc.) supra-imposing this mandate (in theory) is a good thing… as long as said vehicles don’t have a feature whereas they’re focusing on updating their Facebook status vs. driving!

(Source) PC Magazine:

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A coding error sent end-uers searching for health-related information via via the UK’s National Health Service might be surprised to find out that they have a new moniker (however unintentional): Now Hurling Spyware? In short, those who logged onto NHS were sent to websites hosting malicious spyware, etc. that potentially affected X visitors (nobody really knows the exact number of end-users who might’ve been exposed).

(Source) BBC:

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Roots (Redux).

Yahoo’s (latest) plan: back to being a search engine (once powered by Alta Vista – they were ‘the’ default leader)… too little, too late?

(Source) Tech Times:

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@N (Nevermore).

The (supposedly) elusive single letter, Twitter-handle (held since 2007) has been stolen – in yet another reported incidence of identity-theft… which raises the question: who is ultimately responsible for maintaining one’s cyber-identity? when (according to the enclosed report) part of the compromise was not caused by the end-user but a third-party that held some of their private data.

(Source) BBC:

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Prying Birds?

Yet another DNS / hack; this time Rovio (the maker of Angry Birds) was hit with a ‘Spying Birds’ defacing of the popular game maker’s home page. In light of another post-NSA-fallout report that applications are tracking user data, Angry Birds just might be more than taking vengeance on pigs stealing eggs!

(Source) PC World:

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