
Apple & Tesla’s rumored tie-up smacks of two things (at a minimum): a) market-fueled speculation; and, b) Apple’s continued ascension to the status of Microsoft (as a bloated firm that’s now seemingly got their hands in as many pies as possible).

(Source) Business Week:

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A BioShock?

Irrational Games’ (maker of the popular title, ‘BioShock’) announcement that the firm is shuttering their doors could be one of the strongest indications that the Game Console-era is firmly in the decline-phase of the product-life cycle (whereas App Games are obviously on the opposite end of the spectrum).

(Source) GameSpot:

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Pocket Monsters Unite! Okay, at least in theory as a Social Networking experiment whereas all players are attempting to control one player (on-line) simultaneously… Maybe calling on the Powder Puff Girls is also in order?

(Source) BBC:

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Our ‘Ap’t Future.

Apple’s rumored effort to develop a heart attack prediction device could go a long way towards making this sort of device and proactive orientation towards addressing / preventing, etc. such medical conditions more acceptable. Conversely, it could also introduce another controversy regarding any given individual’s predisposition towards said affliction and the resulting prejudice therein (amongst other concerns / factors / variables, etc.)

(Source) Sydney Morning Herald:

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No matter how commercial this day is; has become and/or will ever be, there’s always a place for the genuine expression of love throughout the world.

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A $900M Solution?

Rakuten, Japan’s largest e-commerce vendor (by sales) has tried to make a mark for itself (0ver the past several years) by expansion-through-acquisition. And, the firm’s purchase of Viber (once touted as the Skype-killer) is the latest attempt in that respect… for $900 million the firm purchased a viable competitor to Skype; however, the question remains if Viber will gain greater ubiquitous traction (unlike Skype it is not bundled with the world’s most used OS).

(Source) Financial Times:

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For the second time in the past week, Bitcoin-related currency exchanges were halted due to cyber-attacks as a bug within the virtual currency was exploited.

(Source) BBC:

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A ‘Collective’ Bird!

An auction of an iPhone with Flappy Bird on it reached over $94,000 before mysteriously being pulled… which begs the question: was it even legitimate to begin with?!

(Source) Mirror UK:

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‘net Neutrality Continued.

The argument over ‘net neutrality isn’t just something being debated in America.

(Source) The Financial Express:

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