Siri plus Moov (a decade in R&D / virtual, next-generation virtual coach) are shaping up (no pun intended) to reportedly be pushing the application envelop within the physical fitness space.
(Source) AJC:
Siri plus Moov (a decade in R&D / virtual, next-generation virtual coach) are shaping up (no pun intended) to reportedly be pushing the application envelop within the physical fitness space.
(Source) AJC:
For all the grief (arguably, rightfully so) that the NSA has received via their (on-going) post-9/11 surveillance (tactics) UK spies that intercepted countless, Yahoo! webcam images (globally) is certainly Orwellian too (putting it mildly!)
(Source) BBC:
Shades of the US Sub-prime Financial Crisis again as a Japanese-based bitcoin merchant / repository / vendor, etc. went bust…
(Source) Reuters:
Arizona (which seems to be a leading state for whacked-out legislation) might’ve went too far this time around… whereas their latest proposal (essentially allowing for a ‘cryptic-sort of legal discrimination based on one’s religious beliefs’) has raised the ire of some of the biggest High Tech firms with offices therein (threatening that they might move their businesses outright if SB 1062 isn’t vetoed by the Governor by the 28th).
(Source) ZD Net:
If successful, Africa’s latest inhabitants (two robotic, traffic cops in Kinshasa) could be a boon for their application in cities across the continent (as well as globally).
(Source) CNN:
Ouch… Now here’s a surreal PR-blemish… after being acquired for a record $19B… within short-order WhatsApp was down for several hours. Happenstance and/or Planned Obsolescence?
(Source) Reuters:
One of Google’s current projects whereas mobile devices are used to create 3-D constructs of space and motion is an excellent example of the symbiosis between exploration (i.e., education) and potential application (i.e., commercialization) that made Silicon Valley unique.
(Source) Google:
Facebook’s purchase of WhatsApp is yet another indication of two variables: one) what continues to seem to be the return of the Robber Barons regarding just how askew America’s economy continues to be; and, two) a head-scratcher of a deal for the unprecedented / obscene amount of money that they paid for the firm (see point number one)… amongst a number of other factors…
(Source) CNET:
Yes, that’s right… just when countless end-users might’ve thought that they had seen-it-all comes the latest and greatest (until otherwise noted) scam to bilk unsuspecting users…
(Source) BBC: