(Unlimited) Potential…

As the World Wide Web (www) celebrates said medium’s 25th anniversary, the full potential is still untapped ‘as a basic global good and public right.’

(Source) VOA: http://goo.gl/KgyCoK

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Happy 25th!

Congrats to the Internet for hitting a milestone birthday (that most people will care little about and/or pay little attention regarding). Nevertheless, arguably, globalization would be very different had said medium not be invented (and, commercialized).

(Source) Express UK: http://goo.gl/Znv6Kd

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‘Personalized’ Hacking.

In light of the first Bitcoin (bank / repository / vault, et al.) ‘bankruptcy’ hackers have taken over some of the web accounts of the organization’s embattled boss. Couple this with their filing of Chapter 15 (in America) and it looks like a protracted legal battle has (unfortunately) in all probability just begun.

(Source) BBC: http://goo.gl/7ViQjb

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We’re ‘Pretty’ Sure…

Is ‘pretty sure‘ a firm enough assertion regarding guaranteeing the privacy of any given end-user’s data in America (from NSA monitoring – let along globally?) Given that Google’s core technological offering is mining end-user’s data ‘pretty sure’ seems like a hedging statement (at best) as a preemptive approach towards deflecting pending (inevitable?) allegations / criticism / revelations yet reported…

(Source) Latin Post: http://goo.gl/0IQuAG

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Definitely Maybe…

Bitcoin’s founder has been identified… currency markets respond to more diversionary reporting… Meanwhile, in other news…

(Source) LA Times: http://goo.gl/8kwtb2

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Feer Beer!

Not quite. Nevertheless, Getty’s decision regarding how they intend to share photos (from this point onward) is in all probability a massive shift (putting it mildly).

(Source) Peta Pixel: http://goo.gl/OpByQZ

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FaceDrone / DroneBook?

Either way, Facebook’s rumored acquisition of Titan Aerospace is not just for altruistic purposes…

(Source) South China Morning Post: http://goo.gl/1Dtpzs

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Freeway Jam

Leaving aside Climate Change (which is not something that can really be overlooked) with 80 million new vehicles sold yearly, it was inevitable that Apple would debut CarPlay. What wasn’t so obvious is that Ferrari, Mercedes and Volvo would be their initial focus (lending a certain high-end cache to said offering).

(Source) San Jose Mercury News: http://goo.gl/hYmBeQ

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Be Gone!

It’s a breath of fresh air (no pun intended) to see both ‘Captain Cook’ take a stand as well as to tell climate-change deniers to rid themselves of Apple’s stock (he just might be the first CEO of a top Fortune 50 corporation to take said position). Hopefully, he’ll start another trend (arguably, that’s long overdue!)

(Source) Sydney Morning Herald: http://goo.gl/owiP1c

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This Smartphone Will Self-Destruct…

It was in all probability just a matter of time before a self-destructing Smartphone would be developed (cue Lalo Schifrin’s benchmark theme song).

(Source) Information Week: http://goo.gl/S7eEWr

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