
Turning ‘unloved’ household applications into beautiful devices is one thing. Networking said devices whereas they reduce energy consumption via learning end-users’ physical location / room-usage, etc. and adjusting room thermostats (i.e., saving both money and fossil-based fuel usage) accordingly is even better.

(Source) Tech Week Europe: http://goo.gl/Cm118i

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No Further Intro Needed!

Britain’s Annual ‘Spaghetti’ Harvest… this speaks for itself!

(Source) BBC: http://goo.gl/NGDUtl

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Up Next.

It’s clear that the on-going (patent) battle between Apple and Samsung is not only showing no signs of abating but continues to be contentious whereas both parties are trying to gain any angle possible (which should really come as no surprise considering how much money and marketshare are at stake).

(Source) PC World: http://goo.gl/8FZfpN

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(Over) Protecting IP?

Arguably, Microsoft has a right to protect their IP (Intellectual Property). Conversely, even someone accused of a criminal act has a right to due-process… Yet, when Redmond acts where there’s a compromise (i.e., essentially circumventing said ‘due-process’) at the expense of ‘Civil Liberties’ (i.e., snooping on email / someone’s privacy) it becomes rather obvious that they (and, in all probability, the General Public will never know what percentage of Fortune 500 Technology Companies are / have abused their power, etc.) are just as culpable as any given government’s surveillance activities (which in the pre-Snowden-era bordered on Orwellian at best)… Now, in the post-Snowden-era it’s questionable whether there is enough earnest / healthy debate on how to strike a balance between National Security and Civil Liberties. Unfortunately, this is an area where America and much of the OECD are not fully engaged (presently) to all parties’ detriment.

(Source) In The Capital: http://goo.gl/BJLCme

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‘You’ll Go Blind…’

Perhaps that (old) warning given by countless parents (to their children) cautioning kids of the dangers of sitting to close (in this instance) to the TV had some truth to it… as it seems to have been updated to be a caution regarding Smartphones (believe it or not) due to a combination of eye-strain, excessive checking and not blinking enough…

(Source) BBC: http://goo.gl/DuHthQ

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Just How ‘Transparent?’

In light of the on-going NSA surveillance reports (and, questionable practices, etc.) even Google’s biannual ‘Transparency Report’ should give both pause for concern as well as question (yet again) just how transparent the firm actually is?

(Source) Google: http://goo.gl/3ifR0p

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Google’s (announced) partnership with the maker of Ray-Bans and Oakley (sun)glasses could (at some as yet undetermined future date) be looked (back) upon as a watershed moment for Glass regarding both giving it the brand-cache that few nascent (arguably, still a prototype at this juncture) products are able to garner as well as a global distribution channel that just might make wearable technology a fashion-forward staple.

(Source) Bloomberg: http://goo.gl/PZ6Uay

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Get (Dis) Connected.

Tired of being tracked by Google, etc.? If so, hopefully, Disconnect will prove to be a possible solution for (truly) searching anonymously.

(Source) Disconnect: http://goo.gl/oS3VyN

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Myths, Translated.

Even if the ‘urban legend’ surrounding Google Glass is never completed debunked, one thing is for certain: the firm’s attempt at debunking the myths surrounding this (prototype) ‘product’ continues to generate PR (at a minimum).

(Source) Information Week: http://goo.gl/fcVFhQ

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Not Ready for Primetime?

Contrary to rumor, innuendo and/or urban legend, Google has taken issue with the aforementioned regarding Glass and decided to push-back… That said, a viable question remains: will the 24/7, Social Networking, Always On era Media (and, end-users) actually pay attention?

(Source) PC Magazine: http://goo.gl/fVoNcP

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