While it might sound admirable that Google has stopped scanning student accounts that are associated with education (Google Apps for Education) the issue of privacy (in the post-Snowden-era) is far from resolved.
(Source) BBC: http://goo.gl/AujHSO
While it might sound admirable that Google has stopped scanning student accounts that are associated with education (Google Apps for Education) the issue of privacy (in the post-Snowden-era) is far from resolved.
(Source) BBC: http://goo.gl/AujHSO
As Google continues to go the route of Microsoft (in and as far as) ‘seemingly-having-their-hands-in-as-many-pies-as-possible’ their Android OS debuting on a laptop was an inevitability.
(Source) IT Portal: http://goo.gl/PW6zJN
Some diehard (Atari) fans went to great lengths to (literally) unearth a ‘holy-grail’ (i.e., a massive flop) in the annals of gaming history.
(Source) Wired: http://goo.gl/IrYqQU
A (US) judge’s order that Microsoft turn-over emails (on a server in Ireland) smacks of Orwell and how the NSA-tenacles are seemingly everywhere.
(Source) BBC: http://goo.gl/25s6u5
With their acquisition of Nokia’s hardware complete, it makes sense that Microsoft will continue to target the ‘affordable handset space’ considering that the former Finnish-giant once dominated this market… whether Redmond’s successful in this segment or not is another matter entirely.
(Source) Times of India: http://goo.gl/IiMEbK
Given that Google is still used (overwhelmingly) for searching vs. social, most end-users (even casuals ones) will in all probability welcome the firm’s move to relax Google+’s ‘sort-of-Skynet-like’ integration (which is an excellent way to put how invasive said service is in many respects).
The Vine (Australia): http://goo.gl/IbJ9qT
Add the NYPD as yet another (joining a growing list) of organizations that have attempted to use Twitter whereas said ‘attempt’ has backfired (due to their hashtag being ‘hijacked.’)
(Source) BBC: http://goo.gl/BwDiYG
The frog does not drink up the pond in which he lives. – Sioux, Native American Proverb (Earth Day, 2014).
While vinyl continues to experience a renaissance, record companies (and their money-grubbing tactics) unfortunately, continue to be unenlightened.
(Source) Giga Om: http://goo.gl/TbMuyU
(Literally and, not necessarily, metaphorically) Honda’s ASIMO has some decent moves…
(Source) Wired: http://goo.gl/CEI58T