Postgraduate researchers (at Columbia) have developed software allowing Apple and Google apps to run side-by-side (on the same devices).
(Source) BBC:
Postgraduate researchers (at Columbia) have developed software allowing Apple and Google apps to run side-by-side (on the same devices).
(Source) BBC:
Launched this week, it would be great to see Japan score a major hit as both a Start-up as well as providing a potential breakthrough battery technology.
(Source) Power Japan Plus:
In a (rather) sudden, about-face, Apple and Google have agreed “to end all mobile technology patent litigation…” and pick-up the tab for all expenses after “the dismissal is final at the district court level.”
(Source) Jurist:
This is a fantastic idea that’s arguably long-overdue.
(Source) BBC:
A bike that folds down to the size of an umbrella could be a harbinger for less pollution and improved physical health (in crowded urban environments) due to accessibility / portability / sedentary lifestyles / storage, etc. (that otherwise present logistical challenges when using conventional bicycles).
(Source) Washington Post:
The era of dismissing, cheap-without-any-real-features Smartphones just might be drawing to a rapid end.
(Source) Wired:
Star Trek references and the crudeness of this prototype-aside, a (UC Davis) researcher has created a VR-version of themselves.
(Source) Tech Crunch:
It’s good to see that American Democracy is not yet dead: crowd-funded ‘net Neutrality ads just might prove that it can experience an on-going renaissance.
(Source) BBC:
While the legislation and a formal vote is still pending, the enclosed article illustrates how / that the General Public can actually influence what their (governmental) representatives do (based upon active / engaged Public Opinion!)
(Source) NDTV: