Another day… another (reportedly) massive data leak from Snapchat no less!
(Source) Sydney Morning Herald:
Another day… another (reportedly) massive data leak from Snapchat no less!
(Source) Sydney Morning Herald:
Microsoft’s CEO’s boneheaded comments on women not asking for pay raises (aside from bad form; dumb and foolish) personify so much of what is actually wrong with the entire (Tech) industry and why it is still male-centric!
(Source) Reuters:
As reports of the demonstrations in Hong Kong have to be filtering into the PRC (from people who are returning from overseas travel, using a VPN, etc.) one has to give pause to: when will Beijing realize that it cannot fully control the nation’s people (especially in the era of Social Media / Networking?)
Either there’s an internal bug; heavy end-user demand; slow throughout and/or problematic servers… whatever the case may be, a posted 5 hour update time for a file that is less 100mg harkens back to the dial-up, analog ‘net access! Clearly, Apple’s most recent release is not their finest hour…
PS: Okay, the actual iOS8 patch did not take 5 hours… Nevertheless, in this day and age, it seems odd that this was the initial timeframe provided.
Perhaps the America (aside from the remainder of the world) could take a page out of what’s happening in Hong Kong currently… While Social Networking is all fine and well: People matter and can be a ‘force’ for positive change!
Independent and/or dependent on Apple Pay, eBay’s decision to spin-off PayPal has the potential to be nothing short of a seismic within an area where America has been nothing short of inept (aside from the potential global impact!)
(Source) NY Times:
As Hong Kong’s (current) tumult continues, it will be interesting to see how long Mainland China will be able to block / suppress relevant (media) reporting aside from Social Networked feeds abounding.
In light of the ongoing protests in Hong Kong, it will be interesting to see the degree that the ‘Great Firewall of China’ will be circumvented regarding the nation’s official media blackout on said civil unrest.
While it’s arguably impossible to factor in every possible scenario / variable, etc. – akin to ‘Antenna-gate’ – Apple just might have ‘Bend-gate’ on their hands with their latest release…
In light of Apple’s reported iPhone 6 (unintended / unwanted) bending, just how soon will an OEM case be released that mitigates said issue?