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The Courage to Rebuild.
(Source) Ikeda Quotes:
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While it’s essentially inappropriate; if an apology is in order for when a website gets hacked / hijacked (said website in this instance) let the record show that it is being offered. Nevertheless, what is paradoxical about this entire exercise … Continue reading
A ‘Radical Impact Maneuver?’
RIM’s decision (today) seems like it is long overdue; too little too late and (perhaps) nothing more than a cosmetic attempt at addressing the firm’s entrenched organizational / structural deficiencies (that have brought it to a stage of what appears … Continue reading
Merry Christmas!
Wishing all a safe; healthy and prosperous Holiday season!
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Mother Nature’s Wonder!
(Last night’s) 2011’s Lunar Eclipse demonstrated just how amazing nature is to the naked eye (let alone how spectacular it is when viewed with the aid of modern instruments)… Wow!
Just Plain Dumb!
Verizon has sued the FCC (in America) yet again… which should not come as a surprise. This is a company (like others within this space) that charges any given consumer roughly $400.00 for an early-termination fee (should they decide that … Continue reading
No Alternative?
A lot is being / has been made about Google’s purchase of Motorola’s patents regarding cellular technology (aside from the hardware expertise the firm also acquired within their, now-former, mobile division) including how this move might drive developers to more … Continue reading