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Category Archives: Convergence for a Converging World
Wanderlust Lost!
As NASA winds down the Shuttle Program (with the final launch this coming Friday) it’s too bad that nobody seems to really care… Perhaps if their smartphone; Google Maps; flash drive and/or PC (okay, Mac too, etc.) were suddenly taken … Continue reading
A Death Spiral?
Nokia’s continued turn-around effort just entered another (inevitable) phase: cost-cutting / down-sizing, etc., whereas the next step will be a reduction in their workforce… all of which is fine and well (if the firm is able to actually turn the … Continue reading
Upon Further Review.
If Redmond’s acquisition of Skype and a patent that allows for monitoring VoIP communications both go through; Federal authorities may have just been given a gift that just might keep-on giving. From eWeek:
How Extreme?
No offense to the enclosed technology; however, it just seems that the more consumers become fatigued (and, simply, tune-out) from being inundated with ads; commercials; gadgetry, etc., one would think that ‘less is more.’ In other words; trying to capture … Continue reading
First-Mover Advantage?
The ‘quietly brilliant’ handset manufacturer that has seemingly come out of nowhere in the past 18-plus months (via having linked their fortunes to the Android OS) continues to impress with their latest offering. Granted; it might not be a game-changer. … Continue reading
To The Moon!
All’s well that ends well, right? At least it seems so as some missing moon dust was returned to NASA. Now if only the US Government would wake-up to the importance / significance of seeding pioneering projects that eventually wind … Continue reading
Hacking Hackers.
If the enclosed report is correct; hackers are now hacking each other… which would seem to redefine the entire onslaught of recent security breeches of various firms and/or governmental agencies the world-over. From MSNBC:
Take That!
If Wednesday’s announcement is followed through by / with a (viable) real-world, commercial application (complete with Economies of Scale) a once-in-a-century breakthrough in the field of photography might just be in our midst. No pressure though… oh, and there’s also … Continue reading
Let’s Review…
Yawn… perhaps not the most gripping way to begin today’s post; nevertheless, it is befitting… here’s why… In a word: Nokia. And, the simple fact that the market passing them by was ‘perhaps the beginning of their ending’ (to paraphrase Winston … Continue reading
Worth Revisiting.
IBM’s accomplishments during their century of existence ran the gamut from Apollo 13 to promoting workplace diversity to essentially everything in-between (including being successful in selling technology within two mediums that don’t get the attention that consumer electronics generate: a. … Continue reading