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Category Archives: Convergence for a Converging World
NFC (Now for a Change)
PayPal’s mobile-to-mobile, ‘tap-to-pay’ debut just might go a long way towards breathing life into NFC; and, the American market for mobile banking / purchases / financial services, etc. (which at this juncture) is woefully behind Asia; the EU (and, belief … Continue reading
Magical Musical Motion.
Making their debut at the TED Global Technology Conference; Imogen Heap show-pieced a pair of musical gloves (that were designed for her) allowing her to have greater control of her music / performance. Obviously; these have the potential of being … Continue reading
A (Pending) Seismic Shift.
With the sale of Nortel’s trove of patents being approved (in both America and Canada) the fallout from this might be a major shift in the mobile landscape (in particular with Redmond’s insistence that royalties be paid for the licensing … Continue reading
And They’re Off!
In less than a year’s time; mobile trading has really taken off in India. Couple this with roughly 700 million end-users who are pushing the envelop regarding the nation’s expanding Middle Class; access to the ‘net on a handset; mobile … Continue reading
When Dinosaurs Rule…
Take a long-standing business (model) add an overdue, way past their prime expiration date… mix liberally with ‘histories greatest miss’ in going after Napster within the Recording Industry itself (sans the ‘visionary’ who decided not to sign The Beatles)… versus embracing … Continue reading
The End of an Error?
Marking 30 years of triumph; tragedy; exploration and a waning public interest; America’s last Space Shuttle flight successfully blasted off today (for the final time). From the Guardian:
The 2% Solution.
Given that it took roughly 20 years to hit the first 1 billion subscribers; and, it’s projected that it will only be 15 months to reach the next 1 billion (which is estimated to be more than 6 billion total)… … Continue reading
Numbers Don’t Lie, Right?
The enclosed report obviously doesn’t bode well for Microsoft; RIM (and Motorola… which has been an also-ran for quite some time now) as the first two firms have seen their market share slip. Towards that end; for those who actually … Continue reading
The S. Korean government has launched an initiative to replace schoolbooks with (computer) tablets by 2015 – which by extension will be a major win for Samsung (as in all probability they’ll be the default provider of said devices). From … Continue reading
Going Cashless.
Nigeria (among a number of other nations in Africa) has the potential to become a cashless society due to the mass-adoption of mobile banking therein. That said; it’ll be interesting to see how this country continues to challenge themselves (as … Continue reading