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Category Archives: Convergence for a Converging World
The ‘Real’ Battle?
According to the HBR, the core battle of SOPA boils down to: those that innovate versus the establishment (e.g., the corporate status quo… who paradoxically were once on the side that they’re fighting against!) (Source) HBR:
Just Say ‘No!’
It’s good to see (read) that regardless of what side of any given issue that someone might be on (SOPA in this instance) that the freedom of self-expression still has a place within a functioning democracy (despite how said construct … Continue reading
No Offense…
India is taking Facebook; Google and Yahoo (in no particular order) to task for failing (at this juncture) to remove material deemed offensive by their government. Clearly, the days of the ‘Wild, Wild, Internet’ continue to wind-down the world-over as … Continue reading
Falling Forward.
Only time will tell if Russia’s failed attempt with the Phobos-Grunt probe (slated to have gone to Mars) is a one-off set-back and/or a continued harbinger for both waning public interest as well as reduced governmental funding for space exploration. … Continue reading
Showing Solidarity.
Let’s hope that other influential entities (particularly those with a lot of active-users such as Social Networking sites, etc.) join Reddit’s lead in going dark (on 1/18) to protest the controversial ‘Stop Online Piracy Act’ bill (SOPA) that’s currently on … Continue reading
The Doomsday Countdown.
Microsoft + Nokia = Failure. Okay, perhaps a bit harsh (maybe equals a marginalized player within the Smartphone space is more befitting?) Nevertheless, here’s a quick breakdown: a) Sub-par Product Designs – Microsoft is / was clearly caught flat-footed and … Continue reading
Through Being Cool?
With Redmond officially calling this their last CES appearance the company went out (today) with essentially a whimper stating that ‘we’re still cool’ which begs the question, ‘was Microsoft ever really cool (to begin with?) (Source) Wired:
Internally Jones-ing…
While it seems like a good idea: it’ll be interesting to see if; how and when consumers (en masse) are okay with buying a device (TV in this instance) whereas they can upgrade their hardware yearly? (Source) BBC:
Here Goes The Neighborhood!
Redmond’s latest patent (whilst one could argue might have been filed with the ‘best’ intention) is rife with accusations of discrimination (as well as in all probability lawsuits) due to how the end-user is capable of avoiding any given ‘bad’ … Continue reading
A ‘Truly’ Scenic Drive?
For (at least some of) the CES attendees who feel conflicted regarding whether or not their plastic (in all probability single-use) bottles will actually be recycled or not; Ford Motor Company plans to use (whilst still a small number) post-consumer … Continue reading