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Category Archives: Convergence for a Converging World
School’s Out.
‘Groups for Schools’ is either Facebook’s attempt at going back to their roots and/or a late entrant into how Social Networking (e.g., the use of technology is influencing a shift … some have gone as far as saying, ‘revolutionizing… the field … Continue reading
Who’s Next?
With the bombshell that Facebook dropped yesterday; is Path and/or Twitter next up to be purchased by the likes of Google or Microsoft (a company that spent $1 Billion on AOL patents on the same day… ‘news’ that was completely … Continue reading
A One Billion Dollar Start-up?
With Instagram being purchased by Facebook; a) either there’s something more afoot than the firm’s picture-sharing ability; and/or b) P.T. Barnum’s quote is befitting! Perhaps it is a combination of these two factors and/or others not known / mentioned at … Continue reading
Nothing’s Off-limits.
Ideal; yes. However, just think if the energy and talent that’s focused on hacking were actually turned towards positives endeavors… how many computing issues could be addressed and/or resolved? (Source) BBC:
An ‘About-Face.’
AT&T’s 180-degree (policy) turnaround now allows unlocked iPhones on their network… Perhaps the simple reality that the FCC actually did their job regarding vetoing the (proposed) AT&T / T-Mobile merger is actually paying a dividend for the consumer (what a … Continue reading
In This Corner…
Oracle’s 2009 acquisition of Sun Microsystems is yet another example of how far downstream Silicon Valley firm’s have gone from nascent Start-up to behemoth / heavy-weight (e.g., bloated) whereas they’re focused more on industry consolidation versus genuine innovation (as has … Continue reading
Once Bitten; Twice Shy.
It’s both clear as well as good to see that Apple is taking seriously the on-going allegations with their primary (PRC) labor supplier Foxxconn… Hopefully, given their high-profile, this will also force the hand of any other (global) manufacturers who … Continue reading
‘Crack-ed-Buries’ Death Spiral…
Things are not looking good for Canada’s (once-proud) high-flyer… In light of the news of a significant loss… the firm decided to re-focus their efforts on corporations versus their (at this point in time) failed consumer push… Granted, corporations are … Continue reading
The Wildcard?
If the Nokia / Microsoft alliance has any real chance at success… they are clearly not hiding how they are hedging their bets on the PRC. Granted, the firm is still light-years behind their main rivals in China; however, the … Continue reading
Life Intimating Art?
Sony’s USPTO application for a Smartphone being programmed for identity checking / scanning is yet another step towards Star Trek-style devices becoming ubiquitous within contemporary / daily life. (Source) BBC: