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Category Archives: Convergence for a Converging World
More Than Just Slow…
No offense to the makers of a NYC Subway App (that informs commuters of the train schedule) however, this is a classic example of how (in many areas) America is woefully lagging behind. Granted, a lot of this is largely … Continue reading
Plying Residents Continually.
As the ‘net continues to evolve the tension between keeping it open and more tightly controlling it is perhaps the most evident in the PRC where the government just mandated that all citizens (fully) identify themselves online (e.g., whenever said … Continue reading
Made in Africa!
Congratulations are in order for the (reportedly) first Smartphone / Tablet that’s been designed in Africa (the hardware itself was manufactured in China). Long story short, Africa’s rapid technology adoption (particularly in mobile banking over the past decade) has continued … Continue reading
Merry Christmas!
A good conscience is a continual Christmas. – Benjamin Franklin.
(A) Really Interesting Moment.
BlackBerry’s ($) woes continue… (Source) Money:
Baked or Mashed?
Boeing’s experiment using a decommissioned jumbo jet and sacks of potatoes (that supposedly mimic humans) is a rather interesting (yet, supposedly effective) way to test out an in-flight Wi-Fi system. (Source) BBC:
Man Machine.
The mind is indeed a powerful thing as evidenced by a woman who used hers in order to command a robotic arm (completely at her disposal)… which could be another step towards more fully utilizing technology to assist humans with … Continue reading
Ending Misery.
If you think (that) your shopping habits are supporting sustainable causes… perhaps you just might have to reconsider… (Source) MIAFW:
How Soon IS When?
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed. This world in arms is not spending … Continue reading