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Category Archives: Convergence for a Converging World
The Screw Tightens.
AT&T’s purchase of Leap Wireless (if finalized) is yet another nail-in-the-coffin regarding choice / pricing and services, etc. in America’s ever-creeping duopoly… which is a major factor / reason why the nation continues falling woefully behind within this space. (Source) … Continue reading
Herein is an excellent development in on-line protection period. (Source) BBC:
Guarantee Included?
A parent keeping a Smartphone locked might be a good thing… especially, when curious toddlers are around… (Source) KOIN:
Another ‘Hit…’
A flawed U.S. release is / was (perhaps) the last thing that RIM needed (as the writing-on-the-wall continues to look negative). (Source) NY Times:
The Spy Who…
S. Korea has been bit by a (computer) virus (since 2009) that aside from wiping out thousands of hard-drives (earlier this year) is / has ultimately been looking for military secrets… (Source) BBC:
World’s First (Google Glass-filed) Arrest: Social Networking’s (coming) reality? (Source) Mashable:
That ‘Perfect’ Beat?
Music consumption has clearly changed in many respects; however, good old fashion recommendations / suggestions still hold sway (as evidenced herein). (Source) PC Magazine:
A ‘Primary’ Peripheral.
Oculus Rift: A Virtual Reality headset crowd-sourced initially and now VC-backed has the potential to be a real game-changer (no pun intended!) (Source) Oculus Rift:
Spies Spying.
With the issue of NSA-related surveillance dominating global headlines, there is indeed a certain irony regarding America’s on-going railing against the PRC for supposedly doing the same thing… (Source) BBC: