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Category Archives: Convergence for a Converging World
3D Scanning.
The ‘next big thing’ is set to be released in October as 3D desktop scanning becomes commercially available… (Source) BBC:
An ‘Endless’ Tap.
As America’s (and, the world’s) integration with technology marches on and the Orwellian-reality of Big Brother watching continues to be revealed – is it worth asking: If life is imitating art we have the capacity to envision otherwise – why … Continue reading
LinkedIn’s Devolution?
LI’s decision to drop their age-requirement from 18 to 13 is bound to cause an uproar. Leaving how paramount it is to protect children aside (if that’s even possible) while there are indeed aspiring business / entrepreneurial professionals, etc. (under … Continue reading
Unless the collective brain-trust (does this include and/or exclude Ballmer?) knows something that the overall market does not (i.e., consumers who have thus far essentially rejected the Microsoft-Nokia alliance) the rumors of a Windows-based, Samsung handset make little sense. (Source) … Continue reading
With ‘Friends’ Like That…
Going right to the source, i.e., posting to Mark Z’s Wall is certainly one way to get Facebook’s attention (especially, when they’re essentially ignoring a security issue and the person that’s raising it, etc.) (Source) CNET:
Me (Us) Too: Redux!
If the enclosed report is true, another (potential) round of patent litigation (aside from continued accusations of blatant copying by Samsung will in all likely ensue)… It’s not an iWatch (even though one has yet to debut) but the comparisons … Continue reading
It’s A Man’s World… Founded by a man (who’ll be the CEO) but ‘run’ by women. Perhaps a good idea; however, not to diminish it… BUT (arguably) why isn’t a woman the CEO (which would seem befitting given their target audience: women!) Is … Continue reading
Leaving the negative PR-aside (if that’s even possible) if the enclosed report is even remotely true – SHAME on Sheryl Sandberg / Facebook for the QUANTUM-level of HYPOCRISY (herein!!!) (Source) Valley Wag:
Now that the inevitable (the) ‘firm-has-been-put-up-for-sale‘ phase of their (corporate) life-cycle has occurred, here’s a brief look back at (RIM) one of the Tech Industries’ (recent) downward spirals. (Source) Wired: (Source) The Age:
Buying Direct.
ZTE’s new Smartphone built on Mozilla’s Firefox (the latest entrant into an ever-crowded field) will be sold direct-to-consumer via eBay. Let’s see if said tactic proves fruitful (aside from whether this handset will be a success). (Source) BBC: