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Category Archives: Convergence for a Converging World
To Infinity…
Congratulations are in order to the entire Voyager 1 Team (most certainly, past and present) for this probe entering the farthest reaches of Outer Space! (Source) Space:
Wave Power.
A wave power generator is another (potentially) promising alternative energy resource that could be utilized by a number of sea-bordering nations globally (aside from possibly being used in fresh water for that matter). (Source) BBC:
Finding ‘Virtual’ Riches…
Meet (no pun intended) China’s #1 matchmaker… (Source) BBC:
Expanded Capacity.
Kudos are in order to Seagate for making a 500GB (Android) Tablet Storage Device. Granted, the industry-leading Tablet still lags in this area; nevertheless, this is a solid move for a rapidly advancing competitor’s . (Source) Engadget:
The Top 11.
Enclosed is a list of the (supposed) most-desired features of Apple’s upcoming iPhone. One feature is still missing: NFC. Unless one of the major handset manufacturers embeds / endorses it this technology will still remain nascent at best vs. ubiquitous. … Continue reading
Free Beer.
Okay, not exactly… Nevertheless, Amazon’s long-rumored Smartphone will supposedly be given away (yes, for no cost) which aside from begging the question: what’s the rub? Also raises the point: how will they make money (from it?) Perhaps like Kindle, the … Continue reading
Dismiss This!
Keyword searching… for targeted advertising and/or NSA surveillance? The line is clearly blurred and getting more and more challenging to differentiate. (Source) LA Times:
First-mover (Dis) Advantage.
Samsung’s debut of their Galaxy Gear Smartwatch doesn’t come as a surprise. However, the fact that it is essentially captive to working as an accessory to other Android devices obviously (arguably) limits the potential for a broad-based appeal. (Source) BBC:
For the nay-sayers, herein is a positive take on the (pending) Microsoft purchase of Nokia. The upside of this acquisition aside, the reality is: as it now stands, Microsoft, Nokia (and RIM) for that matter, all essentially watched the Smartphone … Continue reading
The Juries’ Out…
If the proposed acquisition of Nokia’s Handset Business is approved (and pulled off successfully) it would look like IBM’s PC Division sale to Lenovo (which has certainly been a model of success). Conversely, if it is not executed successfully, it … Continue reading