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Category Archives: Convergence for a Converging World
(Heart’s) Fluttering.
Kudos to Flutter (and, by extension, Paul Graham / Y-Combinator) for reportedly being purchased (for around $40 million) by Google. With roughly 1 million users across more than 90 nations this acquisition looks to be geared towards supporting (Google) Glass … Continue reading
Booting Bill (Too?)
If the enclosed report (rumor?) is indeed true, booting Bill Gates as Microsoft’s Chairman would clearly thrust the firm into the post-PC era (whether ready or not?) (Source) The Register UK:
It’s Alive!
Scientists have used a lightening bolt to charge a mobile phone… which raises the question: were they able to ‘friend’ Ben Franklin too? (Source) BBC:
Fait Accompli?
Perhaps where the NSA (and other governmental organizations) failed France will succeed? (at protecting end-users’ privacy). (Source) ZD Net:
(Social Media) Diplomacy.
Kudos to America and Iran for at least holding a phone conversation… aside, from an essentially closed nation’s President making use of Social Networking (which could be a positive step towards re-opening said nation to a greater, positive role within … Continue reading
(You Should Be) Dancing…
Ballmer’s Last Stand… Dance? (Source) BBC:
Through the power of how ‘net access is making (national) borders more and more transparent, it is becoming easier for people to contribute to even the remotest locations globally (which if harnessed properly is an excellent thing indeed!) (Source) BBC: … Continue reading
The Missing Link?
Add LinkedIn to the list of Social Networking mediums whose integrity is being called into question via a lawsuit claiming that the firm allegedly hacked email addresses (for marketing purposes). (Source) Bloomberg:
RIM’s fortunes continue to wane… (Source) BBC:
It’s not just bad for your body… which, in this instance, is a very good thing! NY Times: