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Category Archives: Convergence for a Converging World
A ‘Virtual’ Crash?
Shades of the US Sub-prime Financial Crisis again as a Japanese-based bitcoin merchant / repository / vendor, etc. went bust… (Source) Reuters:
Arizonan Nuttiness…
Arizona (which seems to be a leading state for whacked-out legislation) might’ve went too far this time around… whereas their latest proposal (essentially allowing for a ‘cryptic-sort of legal discrimination based on one’s religious beliefs’) has raised the ire of … Continue reading
We Are The Robots.
If successful, Africa’s latest inhabitants (two robotic, traffic cops in Kinshasa) could be a boon for their application in cities across the continent (as well as globally). (Source) CNN:
Ouch… Now here’s a surreal PR-blemish… after being acquired for a record $19B… within short-order WhatsApp was down for several hours. Happenstance and/or Planned Obsolescence? (Source) Reuters:
Facebook’s purchase of WhatsApp is yet another indication of two variables: one) what continues to seem to be the return of the Robber Barons regarding just how askew America’s economy continues to be; and, two) a head-scratcher of a deal … Continue reading
A BioShock?
Irrational Games’ (maker of the popular title, ‘BioShock’) announcement that the firm is shuttering their doors could be one of the strongest indications that the Game Console-era is firmly in the decline-phase of the product-life cycle (whereas App Games are … Continue reading
Pocket Monsters Unite! Okay, at least in theory as a Social Networking experiment whereas all players are attempting to control one player (on-line) simultaneously… Maybe calling on the Powder Puff Girls is also in order? (Source) BBC:
No matter how commercial this day is; has become and/or will ever be, there’s always a place for the genuine expression of love throughout the world.
A $900M Solution?
Rakuten, Japan’s largest e-commerce vendor (by sales) has tried to make a mark for itself (0ver the past several years) by expansion-through-acquisition. And, the firm’s purchase of Viber (once touted as the Skype-killer) is the latest attempt in that respect… … Continue reading