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Category Archives: An Alp View
Too Far Gone?
While it might sound admirable that Google has stopped scanning student accounts that are associated with education (Google Apps for Education) the issue of privacy (in the post-Snowden-era) is far from resolved. (Source) BBC:
Next Up.
As Google continues to go the route of Microsoft (in and as far as) ‘seemingly-having-their-hands-in-as-many-pies-as-possible’ their Android OS debuting on a laptop was an inevitability. (Source) IT Portal:
Given that Google is still used (overwhelmingly) for searching vs. social, most end-users (even casuals ones) will in all probability welcome the firm’s move to relax Google+’s ‘sort-of-Skynet-like’ integration (which is an excellent way to put how invasive said service … Continue reading
Broken Glass…
With Google’s attempt at trademarking the name, ‘Glass’ (for Google Glass) being shutdown by the USPTO… will the moniker become ubiquitous in the same manner (of speaking) that aspirin did for example? Moreover, even if the firm is (seemingly) ahead … Continue reading
Turning ‘unloved’ household applications into beautiful devices is one thing. Networking said devices whereas they reduce energy consumption via learning end-users’ physical location / room-usage, etc. and adjusting room thermostats (i.e., saving both money and fossil-based fuel usage) accordingly is … Continue reading
Just How ‘Transparent?’
In light of the on-going NSA surveillance reports (and, questionable practices, etc.) even Google’s biannual ‘Transparency Report’ should give both pause for concern as well as question (yet again) just how transparent the firm actually is? (Source) Google:
Google’s (announced) partnership with the maker of Ray-Bans and Oakley (sun)glasses could (at some as yet undetermined future date) be looked (back) upon as a watershed moment for Glass regarding both giving it the brand-cache that few nascent (arguably, still … Continue reading
Myths, Translated.
Even if the ‘urban legend’ surrounding Google Glass is never completed debunked, one thing is for certain: the firm’s attempt at debunking the myths surrounding this (prototype) ‘product’ continues to generate PR (at a minimum). (Source) Information Week:
Not Ready for Primetime?
Contrary to rumor, innuendo and/or urban legend, Google has taken issue with the aforementioned regarding Glass and decided to push-back… That said, a viable question remains: will the 24/7, Social Networking, Always On era Media (and, end-users) actually pay attention? … Continue reading
One of Google’s current projects whereas mobile devices are used to create 3-D constructs of space and motion is an excellent example of the symbiosis between exploration (i.e., education) and potential application (i.e., commercialization) that made Silicon Valley unique. (Source) … Continue reading