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Category Archives: An Alp View
Google is clearly not going to sit-by idly when it comes to revealing who is at fault for slow delivery speeds (hint: Internet Service Providers) as evidenced by the enclosed website (whereas any given end-user can track said issue, etc.) … Continue reading
‘Made For Glass’
Google Glass is (now) officially for sale via the high-end fashion designer, DVF for the ‘designer’ price of around $1,700.00! Wearable techies rejoice? (Source) LA Times:
Easier Said Than Done!
In light of an EU court ruling (mandating Google provide a method for removing ‘personal search requests’) the firm has (cryptically) posted a medium in order to do so… the questions (amongst many) are: will they comply; will said request … Continue reading
In the post-Snowden-era whereas ‘national security’ issues have been anything but earnestly debated, it is good to see Turkey’s highest court overruling the banning of YouTube as both unlawful and to be restored. (Source) BBC:
Google (which seems to have a hand in pretty much everything tech-related currently) has announced that the firm is planing to ‘build their own self-driving cars’ which begs the question: will the company track any given driver’s habits in order … Continue reading
3-D Tablets.
Although this medium has (still) yet to fully take commercial-hold in Hollywood, widespread adoption (while still not a guarantee) within the mass market could both revolutionize both this space as well as Hollywood’s (overall) approach to this (languishing) technology. (Source) … Continue reading
Open Access, PLEASE!
Duopolies (in the example of Comcast and Verizon in America) continue to prove to be the bane of the nation’s (home) ‘net access (due to high prices / slower speeds, etc.) That said, let’s hope that Google Broadband is more … Continue reading
Imagine That.
If Google does produce a 3D imaging tablet, this has the potential to be a ‘game-changer’ (as the overused saying goes) within this market segment. (Source) BBC:
‘Cider’ Please.
Postgraduate researchers (at Columbia) have developed software allowing Apple and Google apps to run side-by-side (on the same devices). (Source) BBC:
In a (rather) sudden, about-face, Apple and Google have agreed “to end all mobile technology patent litigation…” and pick-up the tab for all expenses after “the dismissal is final at the district court level.” (Source) Jurist: