It’s Halftime America.

Chrysler’s Super Bowl Ad: ‘It’s Halftime America’ – is truly an inspirational spot of advertising that (whilst being attacked by the American Right-Wing) can be interpreted in countless ways. Nevertheless, here’s a simple orientation: The laissezfaire / free-hand of the market’ approach doesn’t actually solve every problem (contrary to many pundits it actually creates their share of them). Moreover, that the role of government is to work in conduction with private industry and any given nation’s citizenry on behalf of the betterment of society (at-large) which includes everyone; most certainly, those who are not in a position of power and/or influence.

Look no further than the Apollo Space Program for an example of industry and government working together (and the many technological innovations that were commercialized as a result!)

(Source) Chrysler via YouTube:

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